2023-2024 招生: 2023-2024学年的名额有限! 爱人是 accepting applications for Explorers (12-24 months) to Grade 12. Mid-year start is also available.

2024-2025 招生: The application deadline for the 2024-2025 school year is Friday, December 1st. To learn more about Léman, join us for a Fall admissions tour. Registration is required on 拉文纳.

Submit your application on 拉文纳 或联系 不朽情缘的招生团队 在任何时候.

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领导 & 教师

卓越的教学是lsamman经验的基础支柱. As a team of educators, our goal is to ignite children's passion for learning through superior teaching. 通过一对一的, 小组, and differentiated instruction, 不朽情缘的教职员工了解并欣赏每个学生的独特兴趣, 的优势, 目标, 学习方式.

除了不朽情缘优秀的教师, 其中80%以上的人拥有高等学位和证书, Léman benefits from the expertise of experienced administrators and 部门 chairs. We approach our practice with a shared mission: to help every child grow and succeed, 并建立一个最高水准的教学社区.


lsamman教师不仅仅是提供优质的教学 — our teachers lead, 激励, excite and relate to students in a caring, 支持的方式.

不朽情缘非常关注每个孩子的学习经历, encouraging curiosity, 成就, 和经济增长. 每个年级的教师都确保学生深入学习内容, build critical thinking skills, 在他们的工作和世界之间建立联系, and enhance their skills to the greatest extent of their aptitudes and abilities.

不朽情缘的教育团队是高度协作的, working in grade level, 部门, 以及跨学科团队,培养最佳实践教学方法,并确保课程在各个年级之间垂直衔接,以支持每个学生的持续成长. Léman teachers create nurturing, inclusive learning environments and teach to each child's interest and ability level every day, 在每一课中, 实现以个人目标为基准的进步.

Léman teachers are energetic professionals who care deeply about their students and their own professional growth. 他们全年参与专业发展机会,不断改进,并致力于磨练他们的手艺,使不朽情缘的学生受益于创新的教育实践. lsamman教师不仅仅是提供优质的教学, 他们以关怀的态度领导和激励学生, 以支持的方式帮助他们充分发挥潜力.




Ms. Castelluccio was named 校长 at 情夫曼哈顿 in October 2015 and began her term in July 2016. 她是一位久经考验的教育领袖和远见卓识者. Castelluccio has dedicated her career to driving student performance and building community in PreK-12 schools in the U.S. 在国际上有超过25年的历史. She joins Léman after four years as the 校长 at Marymount 国际 School of Rome, 也是一所国际文凭学校, 在那里,她制定并实施了一项战略计划,将IB分数提高到98%的通过率,45%的学生得分在全球前20百分位.

从2009年到2012年,Ms. Castelluccio曾担任罗马玛丽蒙特小学校长, 她的成就包括引入哥伦比亚大学师范学院读者和作家工作坊和响应式课堂, 提高教育项目的学术严谨性. 在加入玛丽蒙特罗马大学之前的十多年里,她一直是一名律师. Castelluccio held senior administrative roles at high-performing elementary schools in Westport and Stratford, 康涅狄格. 她的职业生涯始于三年级和四年级教师. Ms. Castelluccio拥有中级教育文学学士学位, 优等生, from Southern 康涅狄格 State University; a Master of Science in Science Education from Southern 康涅狄格 State University; and a Sixth Year Degree in 政府 and Super愿景 from Sacred Heart University. Originally from the Bronx, Maria raised her four children in Fairfield County, 康涅狄格. She is an avid reader, and when she has the time, loves to travel, walk and practice 瑜伽.


Director of Curriculum

夫人. Sweeney担任prek -12年级的教务长, 与学术部门负责人紧密合作,进一步发展和实施符合学校使命的课程, 愿景, core values and IB philosophy. 夫人. 斯威尼从特梅库拉的奥克希尔学院加入了lsamman, CA, 2015-2019年她在哪里担任校长. 此前,夫人. 2007年至2015年,Sweeney在罗马玛丽蒙特国际学校担任PreK-12课程协调员,随后担任早教和小学校长. 在加入Marymount之前,夫人. Sweeney served as an administrator and classroom and ESOL teacher in schools across the world. 夫人. Sweeney holds the following educational credentials: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles; Teaching Certificate from University of California, Los Angeles; Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from University of California, Riverside; Post-Master's ESL Certificate in English as a Second Language from Eastern University, St. David's; and Principal's Certificate in Educational 领导 from The Principal's Training Center. Outside of Léman, 夫人. 斯威尼喜欢阅读、烹饪、旅行和与家人共度时光. 她的女儿是2021届的毕业生.


儿童早期教育中心的负责人 & 较低的学校

路易莎·德尔·加迪奥 has been an educator for 15 years and a member of the Léman community since 2015. 在担任幼儿中心主任之前 & 较低的学校, 路易莎担任过lsamman的社会研究系主任, 教授七年级的社会研究和IB历史, 并担任模拟联合国俱乐部的指导老师. 路易莎从圣. 约瑟夫在曼哈顿, 她在那里教五年级和六年级的社会研究和读写, and 3rd-6th grade math. Louisa holds a BA in history from St. 弗朗西斯学院和教育硕士学位:青少年教育, 瓦格纳学院社会研究和特殊教育专业.

Louisa is also a parent to second grader Lucia, who has been a Léman student since 名3.


Head of Middle School

亚历山德拉(亚历克斯)戴维斯有近25年的教育经验,包括管理和课堂教学. 她在纽约顶级私立学校拥有丰富的经验. 在加入lassassman之前,Alex曾担任Blue School中学的主任. 以前, 她曾担任保利预科高中的学生生活主管和布鲁克林之友高中的助理校长. 她在斯宾塞学校当了17年的数学老师. 亚历山德拉拥有中学数学教育硕士学位.A. 毕业于Hunter College (CUNY),获得岩土工程硕士学位.S.C.E.),并获得加州大学洛杉矶分校理学学士学位.S.)毕业于哥伦比亚大学土木工程专业.

A life-long Manhattanite, Alexandra lives in the Financial District with her teenage son. 在她的业余时间, she enjoys going to the theater and enjoying New York’s many diverse and delicious restaurants.

Dr. 哈利Leonardatos

Head of High School

Dr. 莱奥纳达托斯负责监督l -12年级的学术课程, and is an experienced high school administrator and teacher with more than 30 years in leadership and faculty roles. 此前,博士. Leonardatos是Clarkstown North高中的校长, a 1,300 student IB 世界上学校, 在新城, NY. 在他的职业生涯中, 他的工作获得了无数的认可, including the Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award from SUNY Albany and the Clarkstown Lifetime Achievement Award.

2005年成为Clarkstown校长后不久. Leonardatos引进并实施了IB文凭课程. Prior to being named principal, Dr. 列奥纳达多斯做了两年教师和社会研究主席. 以前, he was Principal of American Greek Institute in NYC, a PreK-8 school. 从1990年到2001年. 莱昂纳多是皇后区大主教莫洛伊学校的一名教师, NY, one of the most highly rated private Catholic high schools in the New York area. Dr. Leonardatos began his teaching career at the Greek American Institute in 1987. 他拥有博士学位。.D. 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校教育行政政策研究硕士, a Professional Diploma in School 政府 from The College of New Rochelle, 福特汉姆大学教育学硕士学位, 新学院政治学硕士学位, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Philosophy from Fordham University. 他一生都是纽约人,曾就读于纽约的私立学校. Dr. 列奥纳达多斯精通希腊语和西班牙语.

Luz Garcelon


Luz Garcelon joined Léman in 2021 from the United Nations 国际 School (UNIS) in Manhattan, 自2015年起担任IB文凭协调员. 在UNIS, Ms. Garcelon监督IB项目,以促进学业成功, 监督IB考试和评估的组织, 协调教师的专业发展,并与家长和行政部门密切合作,支持学生的成就. 在此期间,她还担任6-12年级的西班牙语教师. 2011 - 2015年, she held other leadership roles at UNIS including Student Engagement Team Leader and UNIS-UN 教师 Advisor.

加入UNIS之前,Ms. Garcelon led the IB program as IB Program Coordinator at Santiago College School in Santiago, 智利, 这是一所IB世界学校,为学龄前到12年级的学生提供服务. She began her education career at Santiago College School as an English Teacher, 在那里,她指导更高水平和标准英语课程,为学生准备IB外部和内部评估.


Director of Student Support Services

Ms. 格林负责管理lsamuman的学习支持专家团队, school counselors and nursing professionals to support the academic and overall well-being of Léman students. 作为教育公平的坚定倡导者. 格林花了十多年的时间,利用她在特殊教育和残疾研究方面的声音和知识,在各种环境中创建了包容性的学校社区. Ms. Greene left her role as an Analyst in the financial sector in 2012 to earn her M.S. 在长岛大学城市残疾青少年的教学. As an educator in New York public schools, 奎因开发了大学先修课程,并教授英语和英语.S. Government in grades 9-12.

在教育部工作了三年之后, Quinn加入Uncommon Schools担任特殊教育协调员,在那里她还指导学习专家,并为9-12年级的残疾学生提供人文课程. During her tenure at Uncommon Collegiate, 奎恩制定了一个学术支持计划, 到目前为止, has assisted over 200 students who were at risk for retention in graduating and going on to college. 奎因最近的角色是成就第一皇冠高地特许学校的特殊服务院长,是多方面的. 在那里, 她设计并实施了学校的联合教学愿景, 指导, 并建立了学校的社会工作团队和学习专家, and spearheaded the Child Study Team with a focus on Tier II and III behavior intervention. 不工作的时候, Quinn enjoys volunteering in therapeutic horsemanship and cheering on her Rutgers University Scarlet Knights!


Director of Fine Arts

Ms. 诺维茨基负责视觉艺术的所有课程和课外活动, 音乐, 剧院, and Film for 情夫曼哈顿. Prior to coming to Léman in 2011, Ms. Nowicki served as the 表演艺术 Department Chair at the Sanford School in Hockessin, DE, where she worked for 19 years and produced award-winning music ensembles and a nationally recognized 剧院 program. 在剧院,女士. 诺维茨基曾担任音乐总监、制作人和指挥. 她是特拉华州州立剧院®的联合创始人, 全美唯一一个面向学生的全州剧院组织, and serves on their Board of Trustees. 除了, 她是DAIS音乐教育家组织的前任主席, which involves 23 schools in DE, PA, MD, 和新泽西. Outside of education, Ms. 诺维茨基曾在企业艺术管理部门工作,并曾担任《不朽情缘》的副制片人 & Experience, The Songs of William Finn (Ghostlight/Sh-K-Boom唱片公司). Ms. Nowicki received a B.S. in 音乐 Education from West Chester University and a Masters in Educational Psychology from Widener University. She has graduate credits in music history from the University of Salzburg in Salzburg, Austria. Apart from her interests in music, theatre, and film, she enjoys reading, baking, and travel.


Director of 体育运动

基斯Sequeira leads athletic opportunities for students school-wide at Léman, including team sports in grade five, 到高中水平的精英运动校队. During his time at Léman, Mr. 塞奎拉极大地发展了体育项目, from 8 teams in 2009, when he joined the school, 到今天的36支队伍. 在他领导的体育项目在lsamman,先生. Sequeira builds a culture of community, 整个学校社区的体育精神和身体健康. Mr. Sequeira brings a wealth of knowledge 纽约的 City school athletic programs, from his Adjunct Professor position at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, 以及他的体育主管职位, Physical Education Chair, 招生主任, 在纽约和新泽西的学校担任夏令营和课后活动主管. Mr. 塞奎拉得了B.A. in Physical Education from Hofstra University and a Masters in super愿景 from Adelphi University. Outside of his duties at Léman, Mr. 塞奎拉是老桥女子足球联盟的董事会成员, 他的女儿们在哪里参加足球项目. 他享受与妻子和两个女儿共度的美好时光, 还有他们家最近的新成员, "Bubba" the mini pincher.


Director of College Counseling

Mr. 瓦斯奎兹是大学咨询主任. After earning his B.A. 1996年获得波士顿学院心理学博士学位. Vasquez was also commissioned in the U.S. Army and served on active duty. After reaching the rank of Captain, 他决定在民间找份工作, 追随自己的热情,帮助高中生追求梦想. 他的第一份工作是在斯基德莫尔学院担任招生官, 然后从2003年开始转到大学咨询职位. Mr. Vasquez worked at Newark Academy, Livingston High School, and then at a non-profit organization, 学生领导网络/大学生倡议, as a supervisor of a team of college counselors at multiple high schools located throughout New York City. 他拥有工商管理硕士学位,曾在地区(NYSACAC)和国家(NACAC)层面的各种大学咨询和经济援助研讨会上发表演讲,并为来自不同文化和社会经济背景的家庭提供大学入学咨询服务.

Outside of Léman, Mr. 瓦斯奎兹喜欢与妻子共度时光, 他是纽约市教育部和他所有孩子的管理员. Mr. 瓦斯奎兹是菲律宾人,喜欢学习说西班牙语, 旅行, playing a variety of musical instruments, 拳击, 和网球.


Interim Dean of Students

克里斯蒂娜·皮埃尔 has been a member of the 情夫曼哈顿 community since 2011. As the Interim Dean of Students, Christina is focused on fostering a safe and nurturing environment for Léman’s Upper Schoolers, 这样他们才能在严格的学习环境中成长并取得成功. 通过与学生建立积极的关系, it is her aim to provide the guidance needed to help them achieve academic success.

Prior to her role as Interim Dean, Christina served as the Associate Dean of Students. Throughout her 12 years at Léman, 她还担任过体育和健康教师, 他是不朽情缘男女排球队的教练, the interim DEIJ coordinator, and a Grade Level Leader. 克里斯蒂娜持有纽约市立大学巴鲁克学院运营管理工商管理学士学位.



Lakiya伯勒尔, the founding Director of 多样性、股票, 包容, and Justice (DEIJ) at Léman, strongly values a culture of belonging. 自2015年以来,Lakiya一直是l薪金曼曼哈顿社区的一员. 用她对学生权益和家庭关系的热情, Lakiya支持, 发展, 并领导全面的DEIJ倡议和规划,推动lsamman成为一个包容性社区的使命, 公平的, and accessible for all

Lakiya从事教育工作已经超过14年. She came to Léman from Lion Charter School where she held the position of Elementary & 中学英语学习者(ELL)专家和K-12 ELL联络员. 在爱人, Lakiya has taught English language learners at the elementary and middle school levels, and was the founding DEIJ Coordinator. 她拥有斯佩尔曼学院的法语学士学位, 她获得了哥伦比亚大学TESOL学士学位证书, 和她的多发性硬化症.ED in TESOL from Long Island University.

Lakiya grew up in Harlem and Washington Heights, and has family roots in the South. 她和家人住在纽约市.



With over 20 years of experience developing children's programming in New York City, 史蒂夫·莱文(史蒂夫·莱文)领导着lsamman的课后和暑期项目. 提供从国际象棋到数学俱乐部到网球的广泛服务, our after school programming complements the Léman academic program to harness the interest of every child. 除了, 营情夫, 为lsamman的学生和社区里的孩子们提供帮助, 是曼哈顿下城最重要的儿童项目之一, enrolling over 270 children each summer. Prior to joining Léman in 2008, Mr. 莱文曾担任第92街Y夏令营项目主任, and as camp director in the Poconos. Mr. 莱文在福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)社会服务研究生院兼职了四年,并在多个地区和国家露营会议上发表演讲并担任联合主席. Mr. 莱文的成绩是B.A. in Psychology from Northwestern University and a Masters in Social Work from Hunter College. Outside of his work at Léman, Mr. Levin enjoys travel, running, exploring New York City, and the New York Times crossword puzzle. He currently lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two daughters who are both students at Léman.


Head of Communications & Enrollment Management

夫人. 墨菲负责管理laciman的招生和通讯功能. She partners with faculty, 学生和家长建立一个充满活力和参与的lsamman家庭社区,并在lsamman内外分享学生的成就和学校的发展. Since joining Léman in 2014, 夫人. 墨菲领导了l曼的战略性招生增长,提高了l曼的知名度,以吸引有才华和多样化的申请者,并最终招收了在l曼的IB项目中茁壮成长的学生.

夫人. Murphy joined Léman after more than 15 years in K-12 and higher education senior communications roles. 在lsamman之前,夫人. Murphy was Executive Director of Marketing for Kaplan, the global educational services provider. 以前, she was an Assistant Director of Communications at Columbia University.

夫人. 墨菲拿的是B.A. 在科尔盖特大学获得政治学和法语学位. 她与丈夫和两个儿子住在金融区, 谁是lsamman低年级和中学的学生. Outside of school, 夫人. 墨菲喜欢网球、旅游和建筑.


Director of Global 招生

约书亚锚 collaborates with the school's partners from around the world to bring talented, 鼓励国际学生到曼哈顿来. 作为lsamman独特的寄宿项目的主管. anchor还负责来自20多个不同国家的120名学生的学业和社会情感健康. Originally from Maine, Mr. Anchors worked in disaster relief for a variety of organizations including the United Nations, 联邦应急管理局, and the Louisiana Recovery Authority, before transitioning into education. Prior to working at 情夫曼哈顿, he taught at Saint Ann's School, 布鲁克斯学派, 拉瓦尔大学, and the University of Strasbourg. Mr. Anchors holds degrees from Columbia University, Boston University, and the University of Maine. Outside of his work at Léman, he enjoys bicycling, sea kayaking, and creative writing.

Dr. 詹妮弗Minskoff


As 参谋长, Dr. 明斯科夫支持校长办公室的工作, 与领导团队合作, 管理项目, developing school-wide processes, 并预测校长的需求. She has nearly ten years of experience working in New York City 独立的 schools, 无论是作为管理者还是作为教育者. Prior to her current role, 任曾担任保利预科学校校长的行政主管. An educator and historian by trade, Jen has also previously served as the Executive Assistant to 校长 玛丽亚Castelluccio, 并在lsamman开设并教授《不朽情缘》课程. 她有博士学位。.D. 在历史上 & Education from Teachers College, Columbia, where she was also an Adjunct Associate Professor.

珍与她的丈夫和女儿住在金融区. As a family, they enjoy the intellectual, culinary, and cultural life that New York has to offer.


Dean of 住宅生活

瑞安·巴克(瑞安巴克)加入lsamuman社团已经八年了. 在他的角色中 as Dean of 住宅生活, Ryan aims to provide support and a strong sense of community to students in our 登机 Program. 通过公平地处理学生的行为和行为, he hopes that he and his team will 激励 students to find their true potential, 最终对他们的生活产生积极的影响.

Ryan came to Léman from North Broward Prep and has over 14 years of residential boarding experience. 在那之前, 他教高中英语和世界文学, 以及代尔雷海滩美国传统学校6-8年级的英语语法课程, 佛罗里达. Ryan holds a BA in English from Lynn University, and has studied Biology at St. 托马斯·阿奎那学院和佛罗里达大西洋大学的教育.


Director of 住宅生活

布莱恩Scheffler is the Director of 住宅生活 at Léman and has been a part of the community since 2014. 在他的角色中, Brian的目标是创造一种住宿生活体验,为学生提供强烈的社区意识和归属感,使他们成长为自信, 独立的, 负责任的, and engaged individuals. 布莱恩从休斯顿的乡村学校来到lsamman, 德州, 他在那里担任住宿宿舍家长. Prior to that, he was the Interim Middle & 银溪中心学校高中合唱团指挥. 他拥有纽约州立大学弗里多尼亚分校的音乐教育学士学位.

在业余时间, Brian enjoys attending performances at Lincoln Center by the New York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera. 他还喜欢弹钢琴,从10岁开始弹钢琴.


Chief Operating Officer

斯科特汤普森 leads the business office, facilities and technology teams to help support our school's continued innovation 和经济增长. 他是教育行业经验丰富的财务和战略主管. Thompson在国内和国际上担任过各种执行领导和首席财务官的职务,也曾在许多董事会任职. 他持有University of Wisconsin-Whitewater的会计学士学位和Duke University的Fuqua School of Business的全球执行工商管理硕士学位. Mr. 汤普森与妻子劳里和儿子斯隆住在曼哈顿下城, who is a Léman high school student.


Director of 技术

Mr. Karim负责管理laciman教育技术的各个方面,并推动学校利用技术提高学生学习的战略愿景. He has oversight for all technology 系统 that support student information, enrollment management, scheduling and grading, faculty collaboration, parent communication, and the cultivation of technology skills that prepare Léman students for an interconnected, 数字世界.

An IT professional with over two decades of experience in educational technology and technology support, Mr. Karim brings many years of teaching and administrative experience to our school. Prior to joining Léman, Mr. 卡里姆在上东区的巴克利学校待了25年, where he managed all hardware, 软件, 系统, and infrastructure initiatives, 包括创客空间的实现. 他还在为教职员工开发和领导技术专业发展研讨会方面拥有丰富的经验. Throughout his career, he has taught coding, robotics, and circuit building in grades 1-9.

Mr. Karim holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from The College of Staten Island. He is a Google Certified Educator and also a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. He lives with his wife and daughter in Forest Hills, Queens, and during his free time, Mr. 卡里姆喜欢烹饪、阅读和和家人一起旅行.


Director of Facilities & 安全

Geo卡斯蒂略是lsamman的设施主管 & 安全 and has 31 years of experience in Facilities Management Operations and 战略计划ning. 自2012年以来,他一直是l郁闷社区的一员.

吉欧是阿比盖尔·基尔希烹饪服务公司的, where he served in several different roles before becoming their Director of Facilities & 安全, a role in which he managed different properties in Westchester and New York City. Prior to that, Geo served in the Honduran Army for five years, during which he became a Lieutenant.

Geo holds an Associates Degree in Accounting and a BA in Business 政府 from Monroe College. 他目前与妻子和孩子住在塞尔维尔. 在业余时间, Geo enjoys taking long walks, watching soccer games, and collecting Honduran art.


Head of Human Resources

Debbie Aragón leads the Human Resources Department at Léman by leading benefits analysis and administration, 补偿, 员工培训 & 发展, workers’ 补偿, 安全培训, 员工关系, performance management, organizational 发展, 人力资源信息系统和. Ms. Aragón has over 15 years in human resource management and prior to Léman was Head of Human Resources at TAO Group, 迪恩的人力资源副总裁 & Deluca, Director of HR at Max Brenner, and the US HR 政府 Manager at Le Pain Quotidien. 她持有霍夫斯特拉大学心理学学士学位, 获得佩斯大学的人力资源认证,是人力资源管理协会(SHRM)的成员。. 皇后区本地人, she currently lives on Long Island with her three children and two Persian cats and enjoys crafts, 瑜伽, 夏天和家人一起在海滩上度过时光.


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